6.1. Key Pair Generation and Installation

6.1.3. Public key delivery to certificate issuer

The CESNET CA SHALL accept certificate requests in any of the formats:

  1. PKCS#10 request format.(See RFC 2314).

  2. PEM encoded certificate request (See RFC 1424).

  3. Netscape Signed Public Key And Challenge (SPKAC) format.

The preferred transport method for certification requests is s SSL protected HTTP.

6.2. Private Key Protection

6.2.9. Method of destroying private key

The CESNET CA private keys are archived. After the retention period (see Section 4.6.2) the archive media SHALL be destroyed.

Private keys on magnetic disk can be removed by overwriting the key files.

6.3. Other Aspects of Key Pair Management

6.4. Activation Data

6.5. Computer Security Controls

6.6. Life Cycle Technical Controls

6.7. Network Security Controls

The CESNET CA computer system SHALL be always kept off-line.

6.8. Cryptographic Module Engineering Controls

No stipulation.